Contact Us

Welcome to CUMBERLAND. You are on the website of CUMBERLAND Group of Companies, leaders in the design and supply of high efficiency on site disinfection systems using electrochlorination for the Oil and Gas, Power and Desalination, Petrochemical, Municipal and Marine markets around the world.

You are welcome to submit the form below, which will be forwarded to the CUMBERLAND company in the country which is appropriate to answer your inquiry.

Europe Head Office

Cumberland Electrochemical Limited
33-34 Murdock Road
Bicester, Oxfordshire
OX26 4PP, United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (1869) 357722
Fax: +44 (1869) 357750

Middle East Office

Cumberland Electrochemical Trading FZCO
DSOA, Palace Towers, 1-1-106,
Dubai Silicon Oasis,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 674 22022
Fax: +971 674 22011

Asia Office

Cumberland Electrochemical Private Ltd
OLIVE TOWERS | 7th Floor |
No. 47/1 | Arcot Road | Porur |
Chennai - 600 116 | INDIA
Tel: +91 44 4340 3740